If you are hosting a fiftieth-anniversary party for your parents, you are probably in the middle of trying to plan a great one. Whether you have help from siblings or whether you are hosting the party by yourself, here are some ideas that might help you plan an event that will long be remembered by all who attend.
Where Will You Hold The Party? - Unless you are planning a surprise event, it might be a good idea to sit down with your parents so that you can have their input from the very beginning.
- For example, where you hold the event may be determined by how many people are on the guest list.
- If the event is going to be an intimate one with only very close friends and family members, you might consider hosting it right at your home or at the home of one of your siblings.
- For a large group, consider hiring a banquet hall. Or, reserve a private room at a restaurant.
- If you're going for a casual theme, consider having the fiftieth-anniversary party right in a back yard where you can serve something like barbecue or fajitas.
What Will You Do For The Entertainment? - Of course, your guests are coming to honor your parents, but to make the party extra special, considering a special event planner who will help you with party entertainment.
- Consider having a DJ or even a band so that you can end the event with dancing. Find out what your parent's favorite songs are so that they can be included in the dance mix.
- Another idea is for the event planner to arrange for entertainment that matches your parent's cultural background. For example, if they are Hispanic, think about having a mariachi band come to serenade the couple.
- One thing that might add a lot of fun to the party is to ask the event planner to include a comedian as part of the entertainment. Besides that, he or she understands that this is an anniversary so that appropriate jokes can be planned around that.
- No matter what you have as party entertainment, for sure plan to offer a special toast to your parents. One idea is to have everybody who is present to give a very brief salute to these two people who have accomplished a wonderful thing by being married for a very long time.
Don't forget to include snapshots and pictures of the couple as part of your decorations. Consider having some of them made into posters to put on the wall.